Formação Profissional para o Mercado de Trabalho em Angola

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  • 10.02.2012

    Baseline Study Viana

    – Report –

    baseline viana
    Baseline Study Viana

    Summary Baseline Study Viana

    A baseline study is intended to collect data that serve as a base for decision making as well as monitoring and impact measurement in the implementation of a project. This baseline study was conducted for the FormPRO project – Vocational Training for the labour market in Angola – in July and August of 2011. It also aimed to collect important information so that the starting point of the project could be based on empirical data. The main focus of the study was to learn about the satisfaction of companies with existing vocational training for the construction sector. Beyond that, the study was concerned about the quality management of TVET institutions, training of trainers and the orientation of curricula towards the needs of the private sector. Other issues in which we were interested were the possibilities of integrating the services of employment agencies in the TVET system as well as the potential for starting points for training offers with high relevance for girls and women. During the baseline study, it became apparent that capacity building for representatives of Angolan partner institutions was very important.

    The baseline study was conducted in July and August 2011 in the Viana region near the Vocational Training Centre for Construction (CENFOC). The construction sector in Viana is booming, and FormPRO is cooperating intensively with CENFOC. In addition to national and international experts of GIZ, representatives of the Instituto Nacional de Emprego e Formação Profissional (INEFOP), CENFOC, the employment agency in Viana (Centro de Empreendedorismo e Serviços Municipais do Instituto Nacional de Emprego e Formação Profissional de Viana), as well as representatives of the business associations: Associação dos Empreteiros de Construção Civil e Obras Públicas de Angola (AECCOPA) and the Associação Industrial de Angola (AIA), particapted in the study.

    The first step in the implementation of the study was contacting companies. This turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Gathering and evaluating different data sources, a data base with more than 90 companies of the construction sector in Viana has been created – probably the most extensive one that exists so far. Companies of this data base were contacted and 23 firms finally accepted participating in the study. Interviews with the firms were conducted based on a standardised questionnaire with quantitative and qualitative questions. This questionnaire was developed jointly and improved. Representatives of partner institutions were trained in applying the questionnaire and in conducting interviews independently.


    Only about a quarter of the interviewed firms have contacts with Vocational Trainings Centers (CFP – Centro de Formação Profissional). On the whole, the companies lack knowledge about the CFPs. On the other hand, they also lack the initiative to get in contact with one another. Therefore it is very rare for graduates to be employed by these institutions or to get internships in companies. As the TVET system is mostly unknown and not perceived as quality training, most companies train their employees on their own. However, a lot of firms showed a strong interest in cooperating with TVET institutions.

    Based on the labour market data of the employment agency in Viana and the interviews with the firms, bricklayers, metalworkers, electricians and carpenters were identified as the occupations most in demand. After the firms were asked about their satisfaction with the skills of their employees and the demand for training and competences, it became very clear that the lack of practical experience was a major issue. In addition, theoretical skills such as mathematical skills or the ability of bricklayers to interpret technical drawings are largely missing. The majority of the interviewed companies prefer an alternating training system (practical parts within the company, theory in CFPs) or theoretical education and training combined with internships. In principle the companies are ready to contribute to the costs of training – through financial contribution or provision of trainers or learning aids.

    There are very few women in technical occupations. Reasons mentioned were the lack of girls and women that opt for these occupations or that apply for those jobs in the companies. However, the majority of the firms would welcome applications of women. In some cases women are seen as more responsible than men.


    In order to improve the level of awareness of CENFOC a marketing concept should be developed for achieving increased visibility among the firms. A system that provides information for the enterprises about training programmes and their duration should be developed. To increase the participation of women, actions (such as a girls’ day) should be organised to raise the interest of women in technical occupations.

    Cooperation and communication between CENFOC and the employment agency as well as the firms should be improved. The companies should be involved in the training right from the start to raise their interest in trainees. An up-to-date data base of trainees should be developed to provide the companies with information about resources for the labour market. Existing occupational profiles, curricula and training programmes should be revised or new ones should be developed with the intention of integrating the companies into the development process to guarantee demand-orientation. Flexible, demand-oriented continuous training programmes for employees should be developed in co-operation with the companies.

    The quality of Technical and Vocational Training should be reflected in the acquisition of skills, employability, length and practical relevance of programmes and the training of trainers. Quality management for the TVET system and the employment agencies should lead to this.

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